Thursday, 11 November 2010

Upcoming Filming...

Upcoming filming which I am hoping to undergo weather permitting is practicing and potentially filming my TV advert number 2, and focus on testing how to film the car crash in a real and convincing way without causing any harm or damage to either the actor or the car.

I hope to find a form of crash matt which will allow the actor to throw them self on and off the car without causing them self any injuries, in order to make this convincing, I plan on filming the car moving down the street and then hopefully with the aid of the final cut express I will be able to successfully make a convincing impact of a car crash with a stationary car as for obvious reasons I cannot actually hit someone with a car.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Shooting Sponsorship Sequence

Although this photo is unclear it shows all the different types of iPod I used when filming my sponsorship video. I used all kinds of iPods, I used the iPod Nano, iPod Chromatic, iPod Nano the newer version, iTouch and the iPad. The filming went successfully with a few minor issues like people being unable to provide me with the iPods in different colours and having to find last minute replacements the same day as filming, lighting was also an issue and the room still had a dull tone to it but with no lights and the industrial light I borrowed not being bright enough, but I managed to get sufficient footage and I am now in the editing stage of the video.