Although the overall aim of my documentary is completely different to the one of ‘My big fat gypsy wedding’ I feel by watching different types of documentaries it will show me how to successfully convey my point of view in an effective way.
The documentary is focused mainly around following the lives of gypsies who are currently undergoing the build up to either their Wedding or Holy Communion, this documentary has been made by channel four to showcase and provide an insight to gypsy life and culture.
Many look upon gypsies and have a very opinionated view on their behavior and their attitude towards life however this documentary I see has begun to change people perceptions on their way of life. The documentary has illustrated how stricter gypsies are on young girls and their social decorum then many parents in society. Gypsy girls are unable to drink, date males and it is highly forbidden to have sex before marriage. If any of these rules are broken then girl becomes ‘tarnished’ within society, a girl cannot be seen in public on her own as they have to socialize in groups and must be chaperoned on dates with any male until she is married regardless of her age.
This documentary has used extreme cases on Weddings and Holy Communions to show the outrageous lifestyle to show the contrast to general society I feel the channel 4 documentary has successfully managed to change many negative perceptions towards the gypsy life – this is a key aim for me in my documentary to show different sides of the tuition fees and hopefully change many perspectives on the issue.