Monday, 17 January 2011

Student Protests - Too Far?

The Guardian News Paper Headline Read -

Student fees protest: Man arrested over fire extinguisher thrown from roof.
Student held by police after fire extinguisher narrowly missed officers during protests at Millbank Tower

Is it too far? Is it just passionate students trying to help themselves and the future generations to have affordable education which is by law a right to everyone?


Is it a bunch of hooligans taking everything to far, they should just deal with the debt?

Why now has it come to the point of raising the student fees of up to three times as much a year? During the London protests this individual admittedly took the quite protests too far, but for that split second in his mind, it was a way to be notice and to try and get his voice across. By this individual’s actions he may however have jeopardised any chance of students being listened too, by acting violently and launching the extinguisher off the tower he has almost closed to the door on any consideration for the fees that may have been in place.

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